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W tej czesci jest okazja aby dobrze siebie ,sprzedać’ .Należy jak najbardziej wykorzystać tą szansę.
To bardzo ważna cześć aplikacji, należy poświęcić jej sporo uwagi i zaplanować uważnie treść listu motywacyjnego.

Najlepiej Statement wpierw napisać w programie Microsoft Word a następnie skopiować i wkleić do aplikacji.

Pamiętaj ,zanim umieścisz Statement w swojej aplikacji , kompetentna osoba powinna sprawdzić twoją wypowiedź pod względem gramatycznym oraz treści.

Polecana przez UCAS budowa listu motywacyjnego /Statement:

1. Wprowadzenie.
2. Wyjaśnienie zainteresowania danym kierunkiem lub dziedziną nauki.
3. Wyjaśnienie chęci studiowania w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz udowodnienie umiejętności posługiwania się językiem angielskim.
4. Zainteresowania ,ze szczególna uwagą w jaki sposób poglębiana jest wiedza w dziedzinie która chce się studiować.
5. Szczególne osiągnięcia w dziedzinie nauki lub sportu.
6. Doświadczenia zawodowe.Udzielanie się podczasz szkoly w samorzadzie lub innych organizacjach np.wolontariat.
7. Plany do momentu rozpoczęcia studiów,przyszłe plany zawodowe.

Poniżej podany został przykładowy list motywacyjny studenta ubiegającego się o przyjęcie na kierunek turystyki oraz języka hiszpańskiego.

Since I was a child I have been fascinated by travel and interested in learning foreign languages. I enjoyed meeting new cultures and traditions of different countries while I have been travelling around the Europe. English, German and Geography lessons were my favourite. Having thoroughly enjoyed the study of 'A' level English and BTEC Gateway to Employment in Travel and Tourism Course. I have chosen a degree that will enable me to pursue my interest in modern languages in even greater depth and gives me opportunity to spend one year aboard practising my Spanish.
What I always wanted was to study aboard sometime in my life. After attending an English summer course at St.Gile's College in Brighton in 2000 I decided to study in the UK. I have done English for four years at College. I also attended English tutorials after classes, read books in English, not only grammar ones but also for example Oscar Wild’s Portrait of Dorian Grey or in science like Double Helix by James Watson.
Finally I have done English A Levels which I feel prepared me well for moving to England. However after coming to the UK my decision was to spend another year improving my English. I
did the FCE course for three months then and a part time job as a waitress, which really helped me improve my English. Last year I did an English course at Brighton City College and I have passed ESOL level 1 Upper intermediate course as well as IELT with overall score of 6.5. At the moment I am studying for BTEC in Air Cabin Crew and I am doing Spanish beginners course at West Cheshire College in Chester.
After my studies I work as a Bar Assistant in a busy Bar and Grill.
Work experience has enabled me to develop a number of important skills. Working in a big team ensured that I was able to listen carefully and work co-operatively with different people. I feel that with this position I have become more mature, have managed my time more efficiently and have improved my speaking and communications skills. This experience should enable me to
communicate effectively in an academic environment whilst at university.
Reading novels, watching TV programs such as National Geographic or Discovery Science and using the internet are my way to get some more knowledge and information about the world and its problems .I have some manual interests like painting. It has made me feel calmer and taught me to be patient and concentrate more on my work projects. Swimming and dancing makes me relax. I enjoy meeting with my family and friends, I am a very sociable person, who likes travelling, meeting various people and cultures.
After finishing my education I wish to become an expert in English and Spanish language and have the opportunity to work in travel or aviation industry. Also I am thinking of becoming an interpreter or go in to teaching. Maybe I will start my own business, I am not afraid of a challenge.


Sekcja Reference nie będzie widoczna tylko dla aplikantów ,którzy wybrali przy rejestracji opcje 1.Szkoła i College.

W tym przypadku ,gdy wybrana została opcja 1. Szkola i College, sekcję Reference wypełnia Państwa nauczyciel. Potrzeba jednak podać swoje hasło i nazwę użytkownika swojemu wychowawcy, aby posiadał On dostęp do Państwa aplikacji.

Dla pozostałych opcji 2,3,4 sekcja Reference będzie widoczna w oknie głównym aplikacji , więc trzeba wypelnić ją samodzielnie.

Należy poprosic nauczyciela angielskiego czy pracodawce aby wypisał dla Państwa referencje.
Nastepnie wpisać referencje oraz dane osoby ,która je wydała w rubryki sekcji Reference.

Link http://www.ucas.com/getting/how/reference.html podaje informacje na temat zawartości referencji.

Poniżej podane zostały przykładowe referencje wydane przez pracodawce.

To Whom It May Concern:

Milena Stachowska has worked with me since July 2002, during that period I have had the great pleasure of seeing her develop from a quiet lobby host at the beginning, into a wonderful customer care host who takes great pride in her job and responsibilities. In her position as Customer care host, Milena has a variety of responsibilities including customer hospitality which involves interacting with customers, taking care of children with any special needs and maintaining the faculties within the restaurant and children’s area, she also is involved with ordering of stock, daily follow up on tasks that have been assigned to her area and training of new staff either as trainee customer care hosts or in the service area.
In her time with the restaurant Milena has achieve a great deal. She has been awarded Employee of the month twice, which is nominated by the restaurants management team for staff who has show exception standards at wok. She is very ambitious, since she had joined the restaurant Milena has passing her customer hospitality course, development of our new customer care hosts and hostess and been trained as service provider.
Milena has excellent verbal and written communication skills. In addition, she is extremely organized, reliable and productive in any task she is required to do and is highly respected by all the staff and manger within the restaurant, she can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done. She is flexible and willing to work on any area of the restaurant.
Milena has a wonderful rapport with customers of all ages, especially children. Her ability to connect with her children has a great impact with the restaurant as this creates environment for parents to bring the children and feel comfortable. She is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded.
In summary, I highly recommend Milena for any position or endeavour that she may seek to pursue. She will be a valuable asset for any organization.

You have any questions; please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Mam nadzieję,że przewodnik po aplikacji UCAS przyczyni się do bezproblemowego jej wypełnienia.

Życzę powodzenia w dostaniu się na wymarzone studia!

Anita Głowacka,

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